
Hi! I am Tural Sadigov, a staff data scientist at Sepion Technologies in the San Francisco Bay area. I am an applied mathematician by training. Since 2015, I have become fascinated by the power of data, and the areas of machine learning and statistics.

I now use data to improve the range of EV batteries at the same time keeping their cost down and making them safer. In my free time, I play with my son, and watch and play soccer.


Indiana University| Bloomington, IN | Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics | May 2015

Boğaziçi University| Istanbul, Turkey | B.S. in Mathematics | May 2008


Sepion Technologies| Staff Data Scientist | February 2023 - Present

Hamilton College| Visiting Assistant Professor| July 2020 - 2023

SUNY Polytechnic Institue| Lecturer| September 2015 - May 2020

Tural Sadigov


Hi! I am Tural Sadigov, a staff data scientist at Sepion Technologies in the San Francisco Bay area. I am an applied mathematician by training. Since 2015, I have become fascinated by the power of data, and the areas of machine learning and statistics.

I now use data to improve the range of EV batteries at the same time keeping their cost down and making them safer. In my free time, I play with my son, and watch and play soccer.


Indiana University| Bloomington, IN | Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics | May 2015

Boğaziçi University| Istanbul, Turkey | B.S. in Mathematics | May 2008


Sepion Technologies| Staff Data Scientist | February 2023 - Present

Hamilton College| Visiting Assistant Professor| July 2020 - 2023

SUNY Polytechnic Institue| Lecturer| September 2015 - May 2020